Thursday, 13 August 2009

Saw You Yesterday

Saw you yesterday and just as I were asking you to stay i awoke
i am not missing you but only just realizing you again
i read your words from your hands, when you wrote the constitution
it were an amazing piece of literature, an amazing work in art
where are you, can you not write anymore
are words and messages censored
i am at times called a prophet but i am not him yet
at times i am called an angel but i am not her too
and most of all at times I call myself god but god is not me yet
i live here and not there
then in the next instance i am there and not here
in small moments i am there and here and that is when i be god
i have lost the time and the space
watches dont work, watches dont exist
there is no time betwix the yesterday and tomorrow
and so in timeless and nothingness i do exist

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