Thursday, 13 August 2009

My Life With & Without

My life with you or with out you is forever changed
Our encounter although brief will eternally be remembered
You are that magic that comes to all, but few appreciate
You are that spirit that has entered mine.
Visit me many times in your thoughts
As I visit you again and again.
Knowing that you exist is enough
I will continue to simile for our next encounter.
Whether that is in reality or fiction.
I know from now on
That our existence is to exist
On what dimension or level
That is to be evolved
To be discovered.
A new journey has begun
New energies and feelings are given birth
Obstacles of shadows are removed
My heart has expanded,
I feel it all around.
It’s the only thing that I feel….these days……….
There may be even cracks
It may even be broken
My feelings are not contained.
My emotions have gone deep and
They have taken root.
I beseech you to grant one wish
To be able to meet once more
Event of short duration will suffice.
We need to say good bye
We need to make closure.
I didn’t expect this of then to be the way
I thought it was a beginning
I thought it was not the ending.
As is seems to be…….
Your state or your illness
I can not dare to see how
Whether is be of my causing
In that you see joy or loss.
Did we add to each other.
That for me you did and
I thought I did for you too.
There was a time and space when all that was
Was you and me.
All else became temporal
All else vanished out of view
Now all else exists
You and I no longer take space.
Time and space have become empty
Space and time have been redefined
With out you and
With out me
Like two ships
We did meet on route
But the port was not our destination
Oh how I wish to have powers of destiny
To change the present for the future
In the days since I have learnt
To hold….hold on to memory
To place my feelings and emotions
Back in time to a period before
In order to reduce the strain
Afflicted on the heart
Which everyone can see its movements.
At times it skips a beat
At the expectation of you
Every sense senses you
But it is always the others
I will come to drag you out of your self
And take you into my heart
I will come to bring out the beauty
The beauty you wish to conceal
And lift you like a pray to the sky
If no one can recognise you, I do
Because you are the one from my dreams
Don’t run away, accept your wounds
And let bravery be your shield
It takes a thousand stages
For a perfect being to evolve
Now every step of the way I will walk with you
And not ever leave you stranded
Be patient, do not open the lid too soon
Simmer away until you are ready.
Come out of hiding; open the doors and let me in
I am at your mercy, the slave to your simile
You are the music within the flower
That sung to my heart
If I see beauty it’s because I look through your eyes
But when I come back to myself
I find no one there.
My queen, I am your falcon and when I hear your heart
I will spread my wings.
If you offer me your kingdom I’ll be drunk with joy
But if you do not, I will accept,
Lower my head and surrender.

1 comment:

uykulu meditatör said...

powerful and the sincerity is beautiful. how about turning this into a bunch short poems, maybe haikus, or even a bookful? as one long poem, the images lose their power when crowded. there is a lot of pure energy in this,so edit it. a book of only this story would be good!