Don't lose things anymore
As nothing is ever lost or gone
Only when we say it is, it is
& so i don't say it anymore
When this is a belief
Then all that is & was is
As all is contained
In time in space continuum
Things go away though
& at an interval of time
Things arrange & change
To reappear in new x,y,z of space
It's the same but changed
don't you get it...ray
E is not lost in mc squared
Though m & c are invariably variable, E is not
So where are you in all of this....ray
Yes indeed where am I
We the variables of the constant
Which is you witch is me
At times with speed you come & go
& @ times with speed you stay a while
In spaces with mass i rise & fall
& in spaces with mass i exist a while
Or are you mass & i light
What ever it be
We are proven
To be = a constant
Jurisprudence of science declares
Nothing is lost or gained
For once it has been observed
It is considered universal & invariable
And from these eyes to his heart
I did deeply observe
You my dear of dearest
As one of the many as many as the one
By finding a pencil that i had not found for a few days i scripted the above on 01/20/00/18/05/09, & whilst listening to film score of 'The Last Samurai".