Friday, 15 May 2009

To Find What Is There Already

some expressions, some feeling can not be scripted by the pen, but drawn by the brush...
the brush was allowed freedom to say from the who in me......

there was no thought about what to draw other than the choice to colour(s) with and from .....
but you will see instances where i did start to think......and that was allowed too.....for what else should do.........
the composition/form came, near the end of the journey........
before that, i did not really know where i was coming or going ........

it did not really matter, one just had to aimlessly wonder......
through the canvas that was infront....

to brush away the white colour..........
to expose to reveal its destiny that was there already find what was there already........
Expressions by a Brush inthe summer of MMIV
By Raymond Malik

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