Wednesday, 30 November 2011
If there is such a thing as Forbidden Love
Then that is me for you
Forbidden or not
Shared or not
Given of not, regardless
It is for you
What ever they say
What ever they have said
It is real & pure enough
Yes it is limited by only
Time & space, that separates
But beyond these
Dimensions, there is no limit.
There is only eternity to
Infinity & infinity to eternity
And once i have loved
I can not un-Love
There is no duality
In matters of such
There is only my unity for you
And as i it is forevermore.
As I am conscious of you
& so i am conscious of my love for you.
Being an observer of my consciousness,
Rather than being conscious
Then it takes it to a new level.
It brings it to this moment
It makes it live as in this now.
I don't know about you
But i am a drunkard on you..........
scripted/drafted/written: 08/10/08/22/30/31
This Line Is My Truth
That line is my truth
I have no other
To offer when asked like that
I am unfortunate for it
For again and not a-gain
It does affect the world
That i am in and can't share
I don't have answer
At times not even question
For what kind of resolution
All that i know is existence
In here in this place
In this time
And if all this is
Just pure conjecture
Then don't blame me
Blame the heart,
That is not mine....
written on: about two or three weeks ago
written by: raymond malik