Monday, 11 October 2010

My Apple Tree

This is all that remains of the tree that once gave apples
That once we use to climb upon
That once all my children sung from

It was the only one in the garden to bear fruit
Then one callous day she came with a chain saw
Killed it to a stub

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Views From Nature

there is a language here
that i don't understand
there is a message here
that i don't see

that is why i keep looking
so one day i find the secret
join me those who are too
seekers in seeking

Visibility Going - Vision Coming

i didn't see the path

that i have been looking for

is it between the trees ?

i didnt see the light

that has been calling me

is it behind the trees ?

i didnt see any of this

when i took the photograph

but they surely saw me ?

Look Up - As Above So Below

My First & Only Love - On The Streets of Doha