Friday, 21 May 2010

Kayacking In The Gulf Of Arabia

Quiet Mind

To the day as it rises and as it closes.
The same rhythm is reflected internally.
There are few times when the mind is Quiet.
As one wakes in bed, for one or two moments
The mind has nothing to say and again as one goes
To sleep, there is a fleeting moment when the mind
Is quiet and reposed. For these few moments, one’s
Mind is clear. Otherwise, one’s mind is an experience
Of contradictions. #the many I’s of thought, perception
And emotion that arise from the human functions
Are not intended to oppose each other, but can not
Peacefully share the same space. The I’s cannot be
Unified, much akin to the warring chieftains who claim
The same cultural history but have no form of governance.
With out presence the I’s control one’s psychology. One’s thinking
Becomes confused, accidental, and determined by eternal events.
One becomes happy or sad because the I’s anticipate an external event, which
May of may not happen. Yet the mind can rise above the noisy areas of the I’s and pass
Into a purer mind with tranquil restoration. But this facility does not come by itself.
It comes by raising one’s awareness from paying attention to the small moments of one’s day.
With a receptive mind, one listens to music, a conversation, Incidental sound, and a state grows
That has no opinion or preference, but just quietly is. By listening, one finds silence. One becomes still
Calm point in a turning/expanding universe. One hears the still small voice of All-Ahhhhhh..

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Back in 83 Me As Tony Montana

Do We See The Crowns
They Are Close to Ray
One For Heart
One For His Crown